Life Stories

The Swiss Life blog about living a self-determined life

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Bird view on passport, map and other travel utensils


What insurance do I need when travelling?

A safari in Africa, a diving holiday in Asia or a city trip to NYC? Whether you are travelling halfway around the globe or “just” planning a short weekend break, when you travel you can broaden your horizons and collect unforgettable memories. So that the travel adventure doesn’t bring any unpleasant surprises, you should be well covered. We provide an overview of which insurance policies are recommended when travelling, so that you can remain self-determined while you are out and about.

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Eine Frau mit dunklen Haaren, einem Rollkragenpullover und goldenen Ohrringen steht an einem Fenster, schaut hinaus und denkt nach.


The SNB is lowering its key interest rate again – what does this mean for my mortgage?

On 20 June, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) lowered its key interest rate by another 0.25 percentage points to 1.25%. Here is an overview of the most important issues related to the current interest rate cut.

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Happy child girl jumps and plays bed


How much does a child cost?

Children enrich our lives, but they also cost money. In order to look to the future with financial confidence and self-determination, it is worth drawing up a detailed family budget. We will give you an overview of the additional costs you will have to expect when a new generation arrives.

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Two women on a footbridge by Lake Zurich


Pillar 3b: answers to the top questions

A self-determined life in old age requires private provisions arranged as early as possible. The third pillar represents a big step towards financial security. While the funds you invest in pillar 3a are tied up over the longer term, you are free to use the capital in your pillar 3b. Swiss Life answers the most important questions related to this topic.

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