Quick, easy and always available! Our online calculators enable you to keep control of your budget at all times.

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Tax calculator

Save tax and provide for the future: use the Swiss Life tax calculator to calculate how much tax you can save with pillar 3a.

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Affordability calculator

Is it your dream to own your own home? With the Swiss Life affordability calculator, you can find out whether your dream home matches your budget. Calculate quite simply the loan amount you are able to fund.

Real estate value calculator

Knowing the value of your own property is relevant not only in terms of selling it. Knowing the value of your home is also important for long-term planning of your finances. The real estate value calculator can help you calculate the approximate market value of your property.

Mortgage check

With the mortgage check, you can obtain initial mortgage offers from various providers for different terms in just a few clicks. Details of the providers and further information on the offer can be provided in a personal consultation.

Mortgage replacement

With our virtual manager, you can receive mortgage offers for your mortgage replacement.