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What insurance do I need when travelling?

A safari in Africa, a diving holiday in Asia or a city trip to NYC? Whether you are travelling halfway around the globe or “just” planning a short weekend break, when you travel you can broaden your horizons and collect unforgettable memories. So that the travel adventure doesn’t bring any unpleasant surprises, you should be well covered. We provide an overview of which insurance policies are recommended when travelling, so that you can remain self-determined while you are out and about.

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A sleeping cat

Pet insurance: the best protection for your four-legged friend

Dog-sitters, the best food and a whole cupboard full of toys – we look after our pets, because they are an important part of our lives. However, according to estimates, only just under 10% of dogs and cats in Switzerland are insured. So it can quickly become expensive if our four-legged friends need medical care due to illness or an accident. With pet insurance, you can cover the financial consequences without having to worry about high vet’s bills.

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A young woman with glasses sits on a sofa holding a laptop


The best supplementary insurance for young adults: glasses, fitness, etc.

Basic health insurance is mandatory for people living in Switzerland. Anyone wishing to raise their insurance cover to the next level can add supplementary insurance to their basic insurance. And this has more to offer than one might think…

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a man on a couch, his leg outstretched in a plaster cast, his crutches beside him.


Health insurance in Switzerland: a simple guide to basic and supplementary insurance

Health insurance premiums are increasing. A provider comparison and a change of basic or supplementary insurance may be worthwhile. Swiss Life provides an overview of the most important information on basic and supplementary insurance as well as the deductibles in the Swiss health insurance system. So you can decide in self-determination with which provider and in what form you want health insurance.

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Nurse holds a patient’s hands.


Advance healthcare directives: key questions and answers

Misfortune can strike any one of us and throw our lives off course. Who can make medical decisions when you are no longer able to? With an advance healthcare directive, you and your family retain a sense of self-determination and can define what happens should you lose capacity of judgement. Swiss Life answers the most important questions.

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Insurance for the baby: which types of cover are necessary?

Suddenly a smile means the world. The daily routine become more hectic. Hearts beat faster. In the midst of all this happiness, you must still not forget to provide sufficient protection for your offspring. We will show you which insurance you need for your baby to establish the basis for a self-determined life at an early stage.

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