Basic health insurance is mandatory for people living in Switzerland. Anyone wishing to raise their insurance cover to the next level can add supplementary insurance to their basic insurance. And this has more to offer than one might think…

Do you like to go to the gym or regularly buy contact lenses? Reason enough to read this article until the end. Swiss Life will show you the best benefits of supplementary insurance, which will impress young adults in particular.

Supplementary health insurance for fitness

Do you want to improve your physical fitness? It's a good plan. In order to enjoy a self-determined life in old age too, you should also pay sufficient attention to your physical health. And best of all: some supplementary insurance schemes contribute financially to gym memberships, sports and yoga courses, autogenic training or health promotion.

The following needs to be borne in mind: Not every fitness provider is accepted by Swiss health insurance companies. If you are already a member of a gym which is not recognised by a health insurance company, you need to change your fitness provider in order to benefit. Enquire at your preferred gym.


A woman exercising in a stylish gym.
A woman exercising in a stylish gym.

Supplementary insurance for complementary medicine

Anyone interested in alternative treatments will be disappointed to learn that basic insurance usually does not cover the costs. Supplementary insurance can help here. Whether homeopathy, acupuncture or massages – the range is broad.

The following needs to be borne in mind: Some of the alternative methods are actually covered by basic insurance if they are used by a doctor. However, if you want to have the full choice of all medical methods, you have to choose a good supplementary insurance.


Essential oil being poured into a mortar and pestle.
Essential oil being poured into a mortar and pestle.

Swiss Life Simply Care

Sometimes you make decisions that change a lot. And sometimes life changes without you being able to influence it. No matter what stage you are in: your health always comes first. Thanks to Swiss Life Simply Care you are properly insured in every situation, you save costs and have less to deal with.

Supplementary insurance for glasses and contact lenses

Would you like to be reimbursed for part of the price for your newest sunglasses? We have to disappoint you. Unfortunately, supplementary insurance does not cover trendy fashion accessories. But glasses and contact lens wearers take note: supplementary insurance pays a contribution for your visual aids, no matter how "bad" your eyes are.

The following needs to be borne in mind: There is no pure supplementary insurance for visual aids. You can only take out the cover in a package with other services.

A pair of yellow glasses lying on a book with a yellow cover.
A pair of yellow glasses lying on a book with a yellow cover.

Supplementary insurance for travel vaccinations

Are you planning to travel to distant countries? We can understand that. Because as the saying goes, "Travel is the best way to spend money and still get richer." However, you should not neglect your health or miss out on the necessary vaccinations because of wanderlust and a desire to travel. Thanks to the appropriate supplementary insurance, you do not have to pay all the costs yourself.

The following needs to be borne in mind: Did you know that basic insurance does not cover travel vaccinations? You have to pay for vaccinations, which are recommended for your holidays, yourself if you do not have supplementary insurance. Nevertheless, it is important to note that there is no vaccination requirement in Switzerland. So consider whether the insurance is worthwhile for you,

A person wearing a woollen sweater packing clothes and headphones into a suitcase.
A person wearing a woollen sweater packing clothes and headphones into a suitcase.

Supplementary insurance for treatment abroad

And while we are already on the subject of travel: we hope that nobody will get sick during their holidays or have an accident. However, adequate protection is a good idea in the event of an emergency. Basic insurance covers treatment in an emergency up to a maximum of double the costs that would be reimbursed in the event of treatment in Switzerland. This is not enough in many countries. Supplementary insurance covers most of the costs, even if you have to be repatriated.

The following needs to be borne in mind: 
Basic insurance only pays in the following cases:

  •  Medical treatment is necessary
  •  A return journey is not appropriate

Reason enough to think about supplementary insurance.

The northern half of a globe with the countries in colour, showing the continent of Africa in front.
The northern half of a globe with the countries in colour, showing the continent of Africa in front.

Our tip

It’s worth making comparisons: Consider which cover is most important to you and select your supplementary insurance accordingly.


Swiss Life supports young adults. If you have any questions about your insurance or finances, why not request it.

Source: Unsplash & iStock

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